Nabízíme unikátní možnost zúčastnit se webináře s autorem metody Stress Profile (K. Nowack, Ph.D.). Webinář se uskuteční dne 4.6.2025 a proběhne on-line v čase 15:00 - 16:00 (přihlášení účastníci obdrží před tímto termínem odkaz pro připojení ke schůzce).
Webinář je zdarma a bude probíhat v anglickém jazyce.
Počet účastníků je s ohledem na kvalitu a náročnost akce limitován. V případě nenaplnění minimálního počtu zájemců bude webinář zrušen, přihlášení zájemci budou o této skutečnosti informováni.
In the face of life challenges, there are three distinct possible long-term outcomes including harm, resilience, and growth. But what differentiates the hardy who grow and flourish under pressure and challenge versus those who appear to endure lasting negative consequences of these same experiences?
Please join us to learn more about the Hogrefe validated and popular psychological stress and resilience inventory called the Stress Profile by noted stress expert Kenneth Nowack, Ph.D. He will discuss the development of the Stress Profile and how it can be used in research, coaching, and employee stress and wellness programmes.
Ken will also share his 20 years of research around evidence-based lifestyle practices and behaviors that characterize the hardy based on facilitating resilience, well-being, and physical health during challenging times measured by the Stress Profile.
About Our Speaker
Kenneth M. Nowack, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist and Senior Research Officer of Envisia Learning, ( Dr. Nowack received his doctorate degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of California, Los Angeles and has published extensively in the areas of 360-degree feedback, assessment, health psychology, and behavioral medicine. Ken is a member of Daniel Goleman’s Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations and served as the Editor for the APA Consulting Psychology Journal. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 13: Society of Consulting Psychology).
Understanding and Interpreting the Stress Profile to Enhance Resilience - on-line (AJ)
Speaker: Kenneth Nowack, Ph.D.
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